       Spring 2004
Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club
Newsletter - Spring 2004
Below is our Spring 2004 newsletter. If you would like to print a copy, please download the Adobe PDF file by clicking here and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not yet have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can get the free download by clicking here.
Newsletter Spring 2004

President: Barbara Swanson

Editor: Joanne Jameson

At our February workshop, we made some very colorful bee and butterfly wood plant stakes. A fun and creative time was had by all those who attended.

The Daffodil Tea was a very lovely affair this year. Jan Parkinson, Chairman did an outstanding job of organizing the event. We had seventeen tables in all and they were all beautifully decorated. Gina Norwood created two beautiful baskets and the display of daffodils was really colorful. The hall was also decorated with the pretty pictures of daffodils by the second graders from Lakeport Elementary School . This year we were treated to lovely flute music by Kathy Hall. Jo Jameson did her usual great job as Mistress of Ceremonies. Thanks to everyone who donated terrific door prizes, there were many winners.

On March 18 th , 32 members and friends along with 11 members of the Ukiah Garden Club took the bus trip to the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show. The trip was a good one and everyone said they had a good time. Thanks to Thelma Dangle, the chairman and a great hostess for the day.

We have been notified that our entrant to the state "Smokey Bear" contest, Kristofer Holliger, 7 years old and in second grade at Lakeport Elementary has won first prize.

His art teacher, our Pat Hopper, is very proud of him. His picture will now go on the National Forestry Service tour with other winners.

I hope you are all getting your plants potted and/or propagated for our Plant Sale on May 14 & 15. We will need as many as we can get because this is usually a very good fund raiser. I have been asked by several people who look forward to buying from us, when the sale will be. If you have plants that you can donate and are unable to plant them in pots yourself, call chairman Leslie Jones and we will arrange to get them from you.

It is our club's turn to host the District Fall Board Meeting on August 25, 2004. Even though we do not usually meet in August, we will need members to attend and help with serving the luncheon. If you are going to be available and able to help let Barbara know.

April will be a busy month for us. Our regular meeting on April 20, 2004 will feature a program on Native and Ornamental Grasses by Jim Pritchard of Herndon Creek Farms.

Remember too, that the following Saturday, April 24 th is the Heron Festival & Wild Flower Brunch at Clear Lake State Park . Brunch will be served between 9 A.M. and Noon for a fee of $10.00. Reservations must be made with Madeline Lyon at 279-4395. Entrance to the park is free and there will be many activities during the day. If you have any native plants, small is fine, that can be sold to benefit the park, please call Barbara Swanson.

The Spring District Meeting is Wednesday, April 28 th in Willits. The luncheon is $10.00. If you wish to attend, contact Barbara Swanson for information.

Arbor Day tree planting, April 30 th . We will be planting a lovely crepe myrtle at a Habitat to Humanity house in Clearlake. All who can attend please call Thelma Dangle for directions. I hope as many as possible will be there.

The May 18, 2004 meeting will feature a program , " Roses", by Mary Welsh.

The annual club picnic will be June 15, 2004 - 5 P.M. at Clear Lake State Park . It will be a potluck as usual. This is always a nice gathering of club members and spouses. Hope you will plan to attend.

The District Picnic will be in Fort Bragg on June 23rd . Everyone is invited to attend.


On March 23, 2004 Val Muse passed away after suffering a severe stroke. She had been a member of our club since 1963. Val was a very generous lady who was always a working participant in every club activity. She also held numerous positions in the Mendo Lake District. She was an inspiration and will be greatly missed by all of us.